Facebookpixel Changelog – SMSmobileAPI - SMSMobileAPI


It is possible to format the text or part of the text in your WhatsApp messages. New feature

For format the text with Italic -> Use : Underscore -> Example : _text_
For format the text with Bold -> Use :Asterisk -> Example : *text*
For format the text with Strikethrough -> Use :Tilde -> Example : ~text~
For format the text with Monospace -> Use :Backticks -> Example : ```text```

2025-03-28 à 18:51:36 | Support: Whatsapp

Update of supported file types for WhatsApp message attachments: Update

Update of supported file types for WhatsApp message attachments:
Now supported:

doc, docx, odt, rtf, txt, tex,
xls, xlsx, csv, ods,
ppt, pptx, odp,
zip, rar, 7z, tar, gz

jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, svg, webp, ico, heic, jfif

2025-03-27 à 19:15:57 | Support: Whatsapp

Added a field to specify the media URL for WhatsApp New feature

When sending a WhatsApp message via the dashboard, a new field is now available to enter the media URL through the 'URL of the media' field.

2025-03-27 à 15:24:16 | Support: Dashboard

Release of the feature to send PDFs and images via WhatsApp Update

It is now possible to send PDF or image files attached to a WhatsApp message.
Use the new url_media parameter in your API request.
Check the documentation here: https://smsmobileapi.com/doc-whatsapp/#send_parameters.

Exemple to send WhatsApp with one image =

2025-03-27 à 12:24:32 | Support: Whatsapp

Release of the endpoint to resend a WhatsApp message with a status via API request New feature

Now, through the endpoint: https://api.smsmobileapi.com/resendwa/,
it is possible to programmatically resend a failed WhatsApp message.
See the documentation for more details: https://smsmobileapi.com/doc-whatsapp/

2025-03-26 à 08:42:06 | Support: API

Release of the feature to resend a WhatsApp message with a status via the dashboard New feature

Now, from the list of sent WhatsApp messages, if a message has an error status, a button is available to resend the WhatsApp.

2025-03-26 à 08:41:51 | Support: Dashboard

API endpoint release: https://api.smsmobileapi.com/email/unsubscribed/ New feature

We have published a new API endpoint that allows you to list all contacts who have received an email from you and clicked the unsubscribe link after receiving your marketing email:
👉 https://api.smsmobileapi.com/email/unsubscribed/

2025-03-25 à 15:50:21 | Support: API

New API for ## RESELLER ## : ENDPOINT /customer/list New feature

The new API allows listing clients and important information related to their subscription.

2025-03-25 à 09:45:06 | Support: Reseller Program

New Step-by-Step Procedure to Verify SMSMobileAPI Configuration Update

A new step-by-step process is now available to test the connection between your mobile and SMSMobileAPI, ensuring everything is correctly configured.
Easily check if your setup is working as expected.

👉 Visit the page: Step-by-Step Check :https://smsmobileapi.com/send-first-sms/
👉 Also available on the test page: https://smsmobileapi.com/test-api-key/

2025-03-19 à 10:25:23 | Support: Web

Message retrieval WhatsApp - New Synchronization Button Available in the Dashboard Update

A new button has been added to the message retrieval window in the dashboard.
You can now request synchronization with WhatsApp directly from the interface, without needing to send an API request.

This makes the process faster and easier, ensuring your messages are properly synchronized before retrieval.

2025-03-15 à 06:10:03 | Support: Dashboard

New Endpoint Available for WhatsApp Message Retrieval Update

A new API endpoint is now available to request synchronization with WhatsApp before retrieving messages.
This step is mandatory to ensure message retrieval works properly.

🔗 New Endpoint: https://api.smsmobileapi.com/getwa/synchronisation/
📖 Learn more: https://smsmobileapi.com/doc-whatsapp/

2025-03-15 à 06:08:08 | Support: API

New API Structure for Retrieving WhatsApp Messages Now Available Update

"date": "2025-03-11",
"hour": "12:27:00",
"timestamp": "1741692420",
"number": "19176728660",
"contact": "Smsmobileapi",
"message": "Can you tell me when I will receive my order?",
"guid": "652fcfc0-12a8-46f5-b5ba-9391135b8b4c",
"more": {
"auto_reply": "1",
"transfert_to_email": "1",
"chatgpt_reply": "1"
"chatgpt": {
"prompt_tokens": "900",
"completion_tokens": "10",
"total_tokens": "910",
"total_tokens_cost": "0.182"
"response": "Your order #576 will be shipped tomorrow."

2025-03-12 à 05:04:24 | Support: API

Forwarding Received WhatsApp Messages to Email New feature

Users can configure ChatGPT to forward incoming WhatsApp messages to one or multiple email addresses, ensuring important communications are accessible across platforms.

2025-03-11 à 14:55:16 | Support: Whatsapp

Responses to WhatsApp Messages New feature

ChatGPT now supports automated replies to WhatsApp messages, ensuring timely and consistent interactions without manual intervention.

2025-03-11 à 14:54:30 | Support: Whatsapp

ChatGPT Integration with WhatsApp New feature

Users can now seamlessly connect ChatGPT to their WhatsApp accounts, enabling the AI to respond directly to incoming WhatsApp messages.

2025-03-11 à 14:54:11 | Support: Whatsapp

WhatsApp Message Retrieval - You can now retrieve received WhatsApp messages. New feature

# WhatsApp Message Retrieval: Introduced the capability to retrieve received WhatsApp messages, enhancing message management functionality.​

# Dashboard Activation: Users can now enable the message retrieval feature directly through the dashboard, providing greater control over messaging operations.​

# Received Messages Listing: The dashboard now includes a section to list received WhatsApp messages, allowing for efficient monitoring and management.​

# REST API Support: Implemented support for retrieving received WhatsApp messages via REST API requests. Detailed usage instructions are available in the API documentation.

2025-03-09 à 19:40:26 | Support: Whatsapp

Customizable WhatsApp Message Delay New feature

*You can now define a delay between each WhatsApp message sent via the API directly from the dashboard.
*This feature helps to regulate and optimize bulk WhatsApp sending, ensuring smoother message dispatch.
*Example: Set a 25-second delay between each message to avoid sending them too quickly.

This improvement enhances stability and prevents potential rate limitations when sending high volumes of messages. 🚀

Go to the dashboard → WhatsApp → Options & Rules

2025-03-04 à 20:51:22 | Support: Whatsapp

Improved Global Character Support in WhatsApp API Update

The WhatsApp API now correctly interprets and processes all alphabetical characters from various languages worldwide.

2025-03-04 à 07:40:07 | Support: Whatsapp

Delete Pending WhatsApp from Dashboard Update

You can now remove unsent (pending) WhatsApp directly from the dashboard using the "Delete" button.

2025-03-04 à 07:28:36 | Support: Dashboard

Delete Pending SMS from Dashboard Update

You can now remove unsent (pending) SMS directly from the dashboard using the "Delete" button.

2025-03-04 à 07:27:13 | Support: Dashboard

Use Any meta_key in Your SMS Messages for WooCommerce New feature

Now, you can use any meta_key from the order's post_meta data directly in your SMS messages.
Whether it's a built-in WooCommerce meta key or a custom field added by another plugin, you can simply include it in your message using [meta_key], and it will be dynamically replaced with the actual order data.

💡 Example:
If your order contains:

_tracking_number → ABC123456
_custom_note → Urgent order, fast shipping!

Enter this config : Your order [order_id] has been shipped! Tracking: [tracking_number]. Note: [custom_note]

✅ Works with all WooCommerce meta fields
✅ No additional configuration required
✅ Compatible with third-party plugins that add custom meta fields

2025-03-03 à 20:18:40 | Support: WooCommerce Plugin

Email API Python Module Release New feature

Now, you can easily connect your email account to the API using Python, making automation and email management more seamless and secure.

🔹 Key Update:

Added a dedicated Python module to simplify email integration
Secure and efficient connection to your email account
Developer-friendly with easy-to-use functions and examples
Get started now and enhance your email automation! 🚀

Visit :https://smsmobileapi.com/email/

2025-02-28 à 11:48:35 | Support: Email Connect

Automatic Unsubscribe Footer New feature

We have added a new parameter, unsubscribe=1, to the Email Connect feature. When included in an API request, this parameter automatically appends an unsubscribe section at the bottom of the email.

How It Works:
Adding unsubscribe=1 to the API request enables this feature.
A footer with unsubscribe terms is automatically generated.
A dynamic unsubscribe link is included, allowing recipients to opt out from the mailing list.
This update ensures compliance with email regulations and improves recipient experience.

2025-02-27 à 16:06:27 | Support: Email Connect

Custom Email Headers & Footers in API New feature

The email API now allows you to define a custom header and footer for every email sent via API requests.
This can be easily configured through the dashboard.
You can use this feature to automatically add a signature, an advertisement, or a custom layout to every outgoing email, ensuring consistent branding and messaging. 🚀

2025-02-27 à 06:31:20 | Support: Email Connect

Automated Daily Reports for SMS Status and Delivery Insights New feature

You can now receive automated daily reports via email, providing detailed insights into your SMS activity.

Report sent every day at 00:01 with data from the previous day
* Delivered to your chosen email address, with up to two optional additional recipients

-Total SMS sent
-Successfully delivered SMS
-Failed SMS with errors
-Pending SMS awaiting delivery

Stay informed and monitor your SMS performance effortlessly! 🚀

2025-02-26 à 14:27:10 | Support: Dashboard

Time Zone Selection in Profile Menu New feature

We have added a new feature in the dashboard under the Profile menu that allows users to select their time zone. This enhancement provides better clarity and tracking of the date and time of sent SMS messages.

By default, the time zone is set to UTC, but you can now adjust it to match your local time for improved reporting and scheduling accuracy.

2025-02-26 à 12:51:47 | Support: Dashboard

New Version Released: WooCommerce/WordPress Plugin 2.0.5 Update

The SMS Mobile API WooCommerce plugin has been updated to version 2.0.5! This update includes performance improvements, enhanced error handling, and a fix ensuring all sent SMS messages are correctly listed, regardless of their status. Update now to enjoy a smoother experience! 🔥

2025-02-26 à 07:42:20 | Support: WooCommerce Plugin

Sending statistics now display all sent SMS regardless of their status Debug

The listing now correctly shows the general list of sent SMS, including all statuses (successful, failed, and pending).

2025-02-26 à 07:36:16 | Support: Dashboard

Composer - SDK PHP New feature

The new PHP SDK for SMS Mobile API is now available! Easily integrate SMS sending into your PHP applications using Composer. Install it with composer require smsmobileapi/sdk and start sending messages effortlessly."

LINK 1 : https://packagist.org/packages/smsmobileapi/smsmobileapi-php
LINK 2 : https://github.com/SmsMobileApi/smsmobileapi-php

2025-02-25 à 22:54:54 | Support: App & Web

New version of ANDROID App 3.0.11 - On Live Update

All new features are approved by Google Play and are available on Google Play. Feature recap:
-If a message fails to send due to an external issue, you can now retry sending it with a button in the SMS list.
-Updated the main menu.
-Added a "Contact Support" option via the [?] button in the main menu.
-New TOOLS menu to explore our latest features.
-Added a "Tools" page to showcase SMSMobileAPI tools and updates.
-Updated the subscription renewal button.
-Improved the sending process to prevent errors with special accented characters.
-The SMS list now displays the source of each sent message (Dashboard, Test, WooCommerce, Python, Shopify, Zapier, etc.).

2025-02-23 à 20:17:03 | Support: App

New version of ANDROID App 3.0.11 New feature

**** Update sent on 02/18 for review by Google, awaiting publication on Google Play : ****
-If a message fails to send due to an external issue, you can now retry sending it with a button in the SMS list.
-Updated the main menu.
-Added a "Contact Support" option via the [?] button in the main menu.
-New TOOLS menu to explore our latest features.
-Added a "Tools" page to showcase SMSMobileAPI tools and updates.
-Updated the subscription renewal button.
-Improved the sending process to prevent errors with special accented characters.
-The SMS list now displays the source of each sent message (Dashboard, Test, WooCommerce, Python, Shopify, Zapier, etc.).

2025-02-17 à 20:52:14 | Support: App

Resend an unsent SMS via API New feature

It is now possible to initiate a new attempt to resend an unsent SMS via the /resend endpoint.
Check the documentation for more details : https://smsmobileapi.com/doc/

Example :

2025-02-17 à 04:58:06 | Support: API

Resend Failed SMS from the Dashboard update

Users can retry sending the failed SMS with the option to modify the recipient number and message content before resending.

2025-02-16 à 22:02 | Support: web

Resend Failed SMS from the Dashboard Update

In the SMS history section of the dashboard, if an SMS has a status of ERROR, a new "Resend" button is now available.

2025-02-16 à 22:00 | Support: New feature

Automatic Retry on Sending Failure Update

If an SMS fails to send due to a communication error, the system will now automatically attempt to resend it up to three times before marking it as failed.

2025-02-14 à 12:05 | Support: New feature

Scheduled SMS Sending Update

It is now possible to schedule an SMS to be sent at a later date by specifying a timestamp parameter when sending the SMS.

2025-02-14 à 12:00 | Support: New feature

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