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SMSmobileAPI Developer Documentation You can send WhatsApp messages only through our API. Click here to learn more.

At SMSmobileAPI, we strive to make our API as compatible as possible with any architecture or platform.
Whether you’re using REST, SOAP, cURL, or various programming languages like Python, JavaScript, PHP, and more, our API is designed to integrate seamlessly into your projects.

We also have ready-to-use plugins for e-commerce solutions and software. Click here to discover them.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need assistance, our team is here to help.
Feel free to reach out to us at api@smsmobileapi.com

JavaScript JavaScript
Python Python
Node.js Node.js
Ruby Ruby

Send SMS & WhatsApp API

The SMSMobile API supports two authentication methods: using a simple API Key or the OAuth2 protocol with a client ID and client secret.

1. API Key Authentication for Send SMS

This method requires an API Key that can be included as a parameter in either a GET or POST request. It is a straightforward way to authenticate your API requests.



- apikey: Your unique API key.
- recipients: The recipient's phone number.
- message: The message to send (The message length is not limited to 160 characters; you can send longer messages)
- sendwa: 1 = the message must be sent via WhatsApp.
- sendsms: 1 = the message must be sent via a traditional SMS. (If sendsms is empty: sent by default, set to 0 to block the SMS)
- schedule_timestamp = Representing the time from which the SMS should be sent - Must be a **UNIX timestamp (GMT 0)**


GET https://api.smsmobileapi.com/sendsms?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY&recipients=+1234567890&message=Hello%20World
Note : In case of a delivery error caused by your operator, a default function retries sending the same SMS up to 3 times within a defined interval.

2. OAuth2 Authentication for Send SMS

OAuth2 provides a more secure and scalable authentication method.
You will need to use a client ID and client secret to obtain an access token, which should then be included in your API requests using the Authorization header.

The client_id and client_secret are available in your dashboard, accessible after installing the app and creating an account on your mobile device.
Download the mobile app now or access your dashboard.

Obtaining an Access Token

To get an access token, send a POST request to the token endpoint with your client ID and client secret.

curl -X POST https://api.smsmobileapi.com/oauth2/token \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
-d "client_id=1ab0ex4b4c1ef2c800690d" \
-d "client_secret=3ed108a93d0414074b94364290b6a7348475e93a0567005"

Using the Access Token:

Once you have the access token, include it in the Authorization header of your API requests:

curl -X POST https://api.smsmobileapi.com/sendsms \
-H "Authorization: Bearer abc123xyz456" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "recipients=+1234567890" \
-d "message=Hello"

Which Method Should You Use?

- Use API Key Authentication for quick and straightforward integrations.

- Use OAuth2 Authentication for enhanced security and scalability in your integrations.

For more details, please refer to the full documentation.

Resend an unsent SMS

This API endpoint is used to resend an unsent SMS (only if the message has an error status)



- guid: (required) GUID of the message to be resent.

Log of SMS sent from the API

This API endpoint is used to retrieve the log of SMS messages sent via the API.



- apikey: (required) Your api key.
- guid_message: short by the unique identifier for the message used for sorting and filtering.
- before: Retrieve messages sent before this specific timestamp or GUID.
- error_api: Enter `1` (`&error_api=1`) to list all SMS that encountered an error during the API request.
- error_mobile: Enter `1` (`&error_mobile=1`) to list all SMS that encountered an error during the mobile processing.
- keyword: A keyword to filter messages based on the recipient's number or SMS content.

Get SMS received on the mobile API

This API endpoint is used to retrieve SMS messages received on the smartphone.



- apikey: The API key you have or will receive.

Webhook – SMS Received

This webhook system sends a POST request to the configured URL whenever an SMS is received. The system ensures real-time updates by delivering the SMS details to the specified webhook URL.

How to Configure the Webhook in the Dashboard

Follow these steps to set up your webhook URL in the dashboard:

  1. Log in to your account on the SMS Mobile API Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Webhook Settings section.
  3. Enter your webhook URL (e.g., https://example.com/webhook-endpoint
  4. Click on the Save Webhook button.
  5. Once saved, the system will start sending SMS details to the configured URL.

Webhook Payload

When an SMS is received, the system sends the following JSON payload to your webhook URL:

"date": "2025-01-20",
"hour": "10:15:00",
"time_received": "2025-01-20 10:14:50",
"message": "Hello, this is a test.",
"number": "+123456789",
"guid": "abcde12345"

Payload Fields:

  • date: Date when the SMS was added (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • hour: Hour when the SMS was added (HH:mm:ss).
  • time_received: Time when the SMS was received.
  • message: Content of the SMS.
  • number: Sender's phone number.
  • guid: Unique identifier of the SMS.

Example Webhook Endpoint

Your server should be ready to handle incoming POST requests. Below is an example PHP script to process the webhook payload:

// Read the incoming payload
$payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($payload, true);

// Process the SMS data
if ($data) {
// Example: Log the SMS data to a file
file_put_contents('sms_log.txt', print_r($data, true), FILE_APPEND);

// Respond with HTTP 200 status
echo "Webhook received successfully.";
} else {
// Respond with HTTP 400 status for bad requests

echo "Invalid payload.";

Testing the Webhook

To test your webhook configuration, use tools like:

These tools allow you to inspect the payload sent by the system and debug any issues with your webhook setup.


  • Ensure the webhook URL is correct and publicly accessible.
  • Verify that your server is returning an HTTP 200 status code for successful requests.
  • Check your server logs for any errors in processing the payload.

Delete SMS API

This API endpoint is used to delete SMS messages from the server log of SMS Mobile API



- apikey: The API key you have.
- guid_message: The unique ID of the message to delete.
- date_start: If used alone, deletes all messages from the specified day.
- date_start and date_end: Combined to delete messages within a specified period.

Note: The deleted SMS are only those stored in the logs of your mobile app account. SMS on the mobile device itself will not be deleted, as we do not have access to them.

Depending on the version of Android installed on a mobile phone, the operating system may hinder the proper functioning of automatic sending and receiving of SMS messages when the SmsMobileApi application is not in the foreground.
This issue arises from a process that attempts to run in the background when the application is not actively launched. However, due to Android's battery optimization measures, which vary across different versions, this background process may not initiate correctly. Android's battery optimization is designed to limit the background activity of apps to conserve battery life, which can inadvertently affect apps that require background processes to function properly.

To address this issue, users can manually configure their Android settings to allow the SmsMobileApi to use resources without restrictions.
This involves adjusting the battery optimization settings for the specific app, essentially instructing Android that the SmsMobileApi is permitted to run in the background and use resources as needed. By doing so, the application should be able to automatically send and receive SMS messages even when it is not the active application in the foreground. This adjustment ensures that the necessary background process can operate uninterrupted, circumventing the battery optimization features that might otherwise prevent its proper execution.

FAQ For Developer

Accordion Sample DescriptionTo generate an API key, download our application onto your mobile phone and create an account at no cost. An API key will be automatically generated and linked to your mobile phone. You will also receive an email with all the necessary information. This process ensures that you can quickly and easily start using our services with minimal setup.
In your mobile application, navigate to the SETTINGS or HELP menu, where your API key is visible at all times. This ensures that you can easily access your API key whenever you need it for integrating or using our services.
Yes, we do not require any proof of identity for creating an API key. The communication between our API and your mobile phone is therefore 100% anonymous. This approach allows users to maintain their privacy while utilizing our services.

Get Started with SMSmobileAPI Today!

Experience the freedom and flexibility of managing your SMS services on the go. Download our mobile app now and take the first step towards seamless SMS integration.

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